Rouge Blush, Rajastan Sands and Fall Pink Melon still going strong October 11, 2017.


H. sempervirens: A late species much like H. fulva but blooming months later. Marginally hardy here.

Monarchs were back in force! We counted dozens of them here on the farm. They loved the late blooming Verbena,

one of the last flowers to still be blooming!


Olallie Towers Of Eisenkramer: Just finishing up. The scapes are starting to lean, but that's

because of the amazing seed set!


Every year we plant Morning Glories and other vines on our arbor at the entrance to the barn house, by the

end of the season it's a hidden hobbit entrance!


Morning Glories and Firecracker Vine vie for tallest! What a great combination!


In the middle of the daylily field is a volunteer apple tree, that produces more apples then I've ever seen.

Nest year we're going to make cider with them.


Did you kow that Peppers are perennials? Not here in icy Vermont but if you bring the plants inside they can survive the winter to bear again.

Here Pequin is cover with tiny red peppers. The purple flower is a tiny Morning glory vine that just appeared in the pot!